Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park

Things to do in Kenya | L. Nakuru Safari with Masai Mara | Nairobi Day Tours

Lake Nakuru National Park lies in Nakuru County – Rift Valley Province in Kenya. The park is located 155km north-west of Nairobi. Lake Nakuru ecosystem comprises of the lake, surrounded by mainly wooded and bushy grasslands. The park supports a wide ecological diversity with Flamingos (Greater and Lesser) and other water birds being the major attractions of the area. The ecosystem provides for about 56 different species of mammals including the white rhino and buffaloes and a variety of terrestrial birds numbering nearly 450 species. In recent years the water levels at the lake have risen covering the old Main Gate and submerged some trees. It’s notable that the number of flamingoes has also greatly reduced or migrated from L. Nakuru National Park.

• By Road: Distance: 156 km Northwest of Nairobi on the main A104 Road. The main gate is 4km from Nakuru Town Centre.
• By Air: Via the 12 km long ‘Naishi’ airstrip located in the southern part of the park.

• Lanet gate (links the Park with the Nairobi-Nakuru highway)
• Nderit Gate
• The Main Gate

• 188 Km2
• 160 KM north-west of Nairobi

• Temperature ranges from 20-300 c and rainfall from 200mm – 700 mm
• Two rain seasons: Long rains – March & April & short rains – Nov/ December
Entry is by Safari Card only. Safaricards may be loaded – but not obtained at Mtito Andei Gate. Proof of identification will be required
• Citizens – Valid Passport or National ID
• Residents – Valid Passport & re entry pass

• The fabulous flamingo
• An orthologist’s paradise with 450 species of birds
• Kenya’s first rhino sanctuary
• Waterfall : Malaikq
• View –points: Lion hill, baboon cliffs and Out of Africa
• Hills :Enasoit , lion hill, honeymoon e.t.c

• Thomson’s and Grant gazelle, the long-eared leaf-nosed bat, colobus monkey, rock hyrax, hippo, leopard, lion, rhino, waterbuck. Impala, gazelle, striped hyena,bat-eared fox, wildcat, reedbuck, implala, gazelle, striped hyena,golden cat, black and white rhinos
• Prolific birdlife features 450 species ans upto 1.5 million flamingos

• Lodges
o Lake Nakuru lodge
o Sarova Lion Hill Lodge
• KWS Self – Catering Accommodation:
o Naishi House
• Camping Facilities
o Special campsites include Naishi,Rhino, Soysambu, Nyati, Chui, reedbuck
o Public campsites include Malaika and reedbuck

• Game viewing
• Bird watching
• Camping

• Drinking water, picnic items and camping equipment if you intend to stay overnight. Also useful are: binoculars, camera, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and guidebooks

Lake Nakuru National Park – Not to be missed on any Kenya Safari….its all worth it!

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